All main features are listed here, although there are hundreds more smaller ones that you may be searching for, so feel free to contact us if you have questions.
- World class easy, no installation set up
- Build a complete online store. Categories, products, pages, design
- Fully hosted solution
- Web based store administration (CMS)
- Use your own domain
- 128 bit SSL security for administration and checkout
- Level 1 PCI compliant
- 24 hour live chat and email support (Monday to Friday)
- 24/7/365 security and uptime monitoring
- Email accounts on your own domain
- No plug-ins or programming required
- No graphic design skills required
- No HTML knowledge required
- Rich Text (WYSIWYG) Editor with HTML support
- User manual, tutorial movies and knowledgebase
- Free upgrades for life
- Multilevel password restricted admin entry
- Language conversion (Set new default language)
- My Account management section
- 100% SEO structure built by industry leading experts
- Loads of marketing features
- Product detail page control
- Bulk product control from grid page in admin
- Product duplication / cloning
- Control Product description using WYSIWYG editor
- Unlimited category and sub category structure
- Unlimited brands with description using WYSIWYG editor
- Multilevel product variants & optional surcharges
- Price updates when variant with surcharge is selected
- Combine variant groups with stock control
- Text variant options with compulsory check option
- Manage variant group order on product page
- Bulk stock management control using SKU's
- Quantity discounts per product (by $ or %)
- Discount coupons (expiry dates, traceable codes, $ or %)
- Gift certificates (traceable codes)
- Customer specific discounts
- Digital goods delivery (product keys, passwords etc)
- RRP, Our price or Sale price, 'You Save $X', B2B price *Optional
- Taxable product On/Off option
- Bulk product import & export including images and stock
- SKU's for products and variants
- Catalogue or shopping cart mode
- Embed YouTube videos
- Featured products
- Related products
- Stock control with level alerts (product and variant based control)
- Out of stock display (disable purchasing when out of stock)
- Advanced orders, Pre-order function with custom text
Customer Convenience and Marketing
- Multiple currency display targeted by visitor country (real-time updates)
- Affiliate program plug-in
- Google Adwords plug-in
- Live sales chat
- Support ticketing system
- Facebook Connect for checkout
- Full newsletter management system using WYSIWYG editor
- Quantity discounts per product
- Discount coupons (expiry dates, traceable codes, $ or %)
- Discounts by dollar or percentage values
- Gift certificates with design editor (traceable codes)
- Recognition and saved shopping basket for return customers
- Newsletter marketing to customer list, noncustomer list, B2B and affiliate list
- Customer login & management page to update info, join newsletter etc
- Product list sort by option for visitors
- Product filter box for visitors (filter by price, brand, A-Z etc)
- Related products display
- Featured products display
- Best sellers display
- New products display
- Last visited products display
- Product back in stock notification
- Inbuilt link exchange programme among Ashop merchants
- Search tool (similar to Google search style)
- Quick checkout
- 'May we also suggest' 'Customers who bought this, also bought..'
- Built in FREE Live Chat software
- Integrates with any third party live chat software
- Easy Google Analytics integration
- Product feeds for popular shopping comparison sites. e.g. Google Shopping, GetPrice
- Custom export tool for sending feed to any third party software (XML, CSV or TXT)
- Facebook Social Marketing
(Sell your products in Facebook)
- Social media to blog integration with Twitter and Facebook
Design and Image Management
- 100% customisable and unique real-time shopping cart theme editor (CSS, HTML access)
- World First! Edit in Real-time. See changes as you make them without saving
- 60 ++ editable themes
- W3C/XHTML compliant templates
- Import your own design to the cart
- Edit HTML and CSS for almost anything
- Use your own logo and images anywhere
- Clone themes to build similar ones and compare
- Time release content and layout changes
- Easy Rich text editors (WYSIWYG editor)
- Customisable product detail display
- Customisable product listing page display
- Multiple main product image display
- Manage product images via gallery
- Main product image 'Instant Zoom' function, plus scrolling and flash view
- Large image views and auto thumbnail resize
- Open largest images in a popup/light box window
- Create custom menus with drop down options for any page
- Supports all external web animation and graphic programs
- Splash / Landing homepage option
- Create home pages with no columns or headers
- Website table, columns and widget background image upload
- Fast load tableless layouts
- Favicon.ico support
Content Manager
- Unlimited custom/info pages using WYSIWYG editor
- Supports any code (HTML, CSS etc)
- Home page editor (Select any page as home page)
- Custom / Splash Landing pages
- Built in Blog management with integration to Facebook and Twitter
- Built in product reviews
- Built in product question and answers
Order Processing and Checkout
- Guest checkout
- Ultra fast and easy checkout
- Custom checkout form fields (checkboxes, text fields, radio buttons etc)
- Delivery and event date selections
- Agree to terms before allowing purchases option
- Facebook Connect for checkout
- Auto order confirmation emails (add custom text)
- Auto shipped order confirmation emails (add notes and custom text)
- SSL protection
- Credit card or payment method surcharges
- Bulk order processing
- Invoice printing and emailing
- Batch order printing
- Real-time order tracking for customers
- Remembers customers addresses for fast checkout
- Multiple order search options in admin (by code, name, email, post code, date)
- Fraud Detection
(Click for details)
- Real-time shipping quotes
Payment Options
- Accept credit cards, real time payments
- Easy shopping cart payment option setup (2 minutes)
- Integrated with over 100 major banks and payment gateways (Click for full list)
- PayPal certified checkout integration
- Offline (manual) credit card processing
- Cheques, bank deposit
- Create your own payment options
- Configurable currency symbol
- Real-Time multi currency conversion from default currency
- Google checkout integration (Click here for details)
- Shipping & Tax
- Integration of real time shipping methods (UPS, USPS, Australian Post, Fedex)
- Custom shipping options, domestic and international
- Advanced shipping customisation (by weight, by price, flat rat, on delivery)
- Location restriction on shipping
- Free shipping by order value or weight option
- Tax included/excluded
- Domestic and international accurate tax calculation based on customer's location
- Shipping free orders
- Tax free products
- Tax management by state level
- Custom shipping by postcode/Zip code
- Automatic shipping confirmation by e-mail (editable, add notes etc)
Web Optimisation - SEO
- Fully Search Engine Optimised (SEO) structure
- Optimised and updated by industry leading SEO experts
- Source code optimised for search engines
- Page based META management. Titles, descriptions and keywords
- Link popularity program between Ashop customers
- Always up to date with new search engine algorithms
- Spider friendly URLs
- 301 Redirect and 302 Redirect support for any page
- Free SEO tips & tools
- Auto HTML and CSS page generation
- Google, Yahoo and Bing verification meta inclusion
- Inbuilt automatic XML site map generation (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
- Correct use of robots.txt file
- Correct use of NOFOLLOW attribute
- Auto set up with correct hierarchy for H tags
- Auto creation of alt text on menu text links and images
- Tableless design structure
- Order reports with custom data export
- Google Analytics Integration
- Hourly sales reports
- Payment method reports
- Sales by country reports
- Product based sales reports
- Sales by customer report
- Filter reporting by date, order status, payment status etc
- Traffic stats
- Traffic by search engine and keyword use reports
- Visitor country & languages reports
- Recent visitor activity report
- Affiliate reports
Bulk Importing / Exporting
- Import & Export product database using XML (real-time feed), MS Access and XLS
- Import & Export customer database using MS Access and XLS
- Import & Export brands database using MS Access and XLS
- Import & Export content pages database using MS Access and XLS
- Import & Export categories database using MS Access and XLS
- Import & Export variants database using MS Access and XLS
- Bulk SKU based stock control. Product / variant based
- Build custom feeds to any shopping engine or accounting software
- Build custom sales exports in XML, XLS or TXT
System and Security
- Super-fast hosting
- POP3 & Webmail access
- 24x7x365 proactive security monitoring
- Real time data backup
- Multiple power source
- Guaranteed 99.8% uptime
- Load balancing
- Microsoft Windows servers
- Full HTTPS/SSL support
- Password-protected SSL secured administration panel
- Geographical IP address location checking
- High risk IP address and e-mail checking
- New posts, edit posts
- Auto Posting to Twitter and Facebook
- Change online/offline posts status
- Edit user comments
- Easy WYSIWYG editor for creating post content
- SEO META tag generation for posts
- Post and comment time stamps
- RSS feeds
- Allow other site to feed your posts.
- Tag Cloud
B2B - Wholesale
- Wholesale product price separation
- Approve individual customers as wholesalers
- Wholesaler access nly by password
- Hide wholesale products from public view
- Access restriction to content pages, products, categories
- Separate shipping, payment and tax options for wholesalers
- Wholesale order reports
- Newsletter marketing to wholesalers
SMS Alerts
- Order Alert - to merchant
- Order Received Alert - to customer
- Order Being Shipped Alert - to customer
Livechat Tool
- Visitor page tracking
- Search and push products directly
- Visitor chat history
- Multiple visitor chat tabs
- Invite visitors to chat
- Visitor browser and computer details
- Custom buttons and images
- Visitor can print or email chat
- Custom operator name
- Operator / Visitor is currently typing indicator
Support Ticketing
- Send receive emails from support ticket console
- Track full incident history
- Send receive attachments
- Add notes to tickets
- Search function
- Change status and priority levels
- Customisable commission structures
- Second level / Sub-Affiliate program (2nd tier)
- Text ad creator (like Google Adwords)
- PayPal mass pay option to affiliates
- Control panel and reports for each affiliate
- Product banner generator
- Banner ad management system
- Decline payments by order ID
- Payment Reports
- Sales Reports
- Newsletters to affiliates